Analysis of the Political Discourse in the Extreme Right-wing Greek Press: The Case of the Newspaper Golden Dawn (December 2013 – December 2014)

by Andreas Baltas (Panteion University, Athens)

The key question of tis essay concerns the way in which Greek-German relations are presented by the Greek right-wing press during the economic crisis in Greece in the last five years. The Golden Dawn newspaper is the official publication of the neo-Nazi party with the same name and expresses the political space of the extreme right. Many members of this neo-Nazi organization have been brought to justice and are now being tried, facing heavy charges of committing homicide, formation and membership in a criminal organisation etc. Weiterlesen

The NPD and its Connections to the Greek Party Golden Dawn

by Maja-Aleksandra Lisov (University of Regensburg)

When addressing a topic such as right-wing extremism in Germany, many may ask themselves how such tendencies in the political spectrum are even possible in this country after World War II. It is a widespread belief that all people, even the following generations that had nothing to do with the war, should learn from the mistakes of the past in order to make a rebirth of extreme right-wing policies in Germany impossible. However, when one examines the political happenings in Germany today, especially with regard to the right-wing of the spectrum, there is one party that stands out the most: the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD).1 The most frequently asked questions regarding this party are simple ones: how and why? How was it possible for the party to gain even an ounce of popularity and why do people vote for it? Weiterlesen

  1.  German: NPD = Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands.

The Greek Neo-Nazi Party “Golden Dawn” and the Representations of the Greek-German Past

by Yannis Antonopoulos (Panteion University, Athens)

Τhe electoral success of the Golden Dawn Party (in Greek: Chrissi Avgi) in 2012 took place during a period of financial crisis which was characterised by the exacerbation of anti-German feelings in a part of Greek society and the opposition press. An openly expressed neo-Νazi organisation with extremist and marginal actions for more than two decades managed to enter the Greek Parliament ensuring about half a million votes, matching 7% of the voting population. The utilisation and embezzlement of the historical past as it was expressed by a part of the public media did not leave the organisation’s public discourse unswayed. Golden Dawn took advantage of the circumstance in order to be self-promoted as a patriotic political party which participates in the unanimous national struggle for the assertion of the German indemnities and the occupation loan, unleashing vituperative speech against the “German loan sharks” etc. Weiterlesen